Leadership Communications Course

Elevate your leadership. Drive meaningful engagement. Achieve extraordinary results.

As a leader, your ability to communicate effectively is the key to unlocking your team’s full potential. It enables you to build trust, foster collaboration, and guide your team toward success. But communication goes beyond just conveying information—it’s about connecting on a deeper level, breaking down barriers, and inspiring action. Our language and how we use it are the keys to building robust, sustainable businesses. But there is more to communication than what and how we say things.
Course Dates for October will be released soon. 


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Why This Course Matters for You

In your role, you’ve likely faced challenges in getting your team to fully engage, contribute, and align with your vision. The Leadership Communications Course is designed to help you overcome these obstacles by equipping you with practical tools and strategies to enhance your communication skills. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to:

  • Build Stronger Relationships: Create a culture of trust and collaboration, where every team member feels valued and heard.
  • Inspire New Possibilities: Open up new avenues for creativity and innovation by fostering an environment where ideas can flourish.
  • Drive Committed Action: Ensure your team is aligned and motivated to take the actions necessary to achieve your goals.
  • Deliver Outstanding Results: Achieve clarity on what success looks like, and lead your team to deliver results that exceed expectations.

For people committed to engaging their world

 You are frustrated that too many people are disengaged, disinterested, or unhappy at work. It is a waste of their talent!

You secretly complain that some people have a low work ethic, are disengaged, or are lazy, and you know something needs to be done.

You have tried many times to produce a different outcome, but nothing you have been attempting has moved the needle.

The root cause of circumstances like this is continuous breakdowns in communication.

You have never learnt, been shown or discovered the skills to master the building blocks of communication. And you are not to blame. You have tried many times to overcome these challenges.

By mastering these building blocks, you will develop the competence to engage people at a level that few experience as a leader or manager. The knowledge of these building blocks will enable you to engage with people at an unprecedentedly deep level quickly and powerfully, creating the possibility of exceptional results.

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What You’ll Gain from the Course

Our Leadership Communications Course is structured to run over two full and impactful days, separated by a week. It will provide you with hands-on experience in the core elements of effective communication.

Day One:

Understanding the Conversations For...

On the first day you will discover the purpose and structure of the five conversations for Relationship, Possibility, Structure, Action and Results which will engage and inspire your teams to deliver extraordinary results.

Establish and Strengthen Relationships: Learn the techniques for intentionally building and maintaining relationships that are crucial to your team’s success.

Create and Recognize New Possibilities: Understand how to generate and identify opportunities that can take your team’s performance to the next level.

Design Effective Structures: Discover the frameworks needed to turn ideas into actionable plans that your team can execute.

Facilitate Committed Action: Master the conversations that lead to decisive, result-oriented actions within your team.

Define Clear Results: Gain the ability to articulate what success looks like, ensuring your team is always working toward a shared vision.

Day Two:

The Power of Speaking and Listening

On the second day, you’ll dive deep into the art of speaking and listening in ways that truly engage and inspire your team and keep the business on track. You’ll explore:

Directive Speaking: Learn to give clear, authoritative instructions that your team can follow with confidence.

Expressive Speaking: Share your values, beliefs, and emotions to build a deeper connection with your team.

Descriptive Speaking: Provide detailed narratives that help your team understand the context and importance of their work.

Inquisitive Speaking: Encourage exploration and innovation by asking the right questions that open up new possibilities.

Appreciative Speaking: Recognize and reinforce your team’s contributions, creating a positive, motivating environment.

Resolving Breakdowns:
How to overcome the breakdowns that will always occur

Through practical exercises, you’ll refine your ability to adapt your communication style to different situations, ensuring your message resonates with your team and drives the desired outcomes.

Hi! I'm Adrian.


 Language and how we use it is at the core of everything we do. The structure of communication and how we speak and listen determines how we use language and what results we achieve.

As a coach, consultant, and mentor, I have spent the last 13 years helping leaders and managers discover the power of their language and how to use it to motivate their people to participate fully, make their best contributions, and deliver extraordinary results.

Over two days, I will give you the tools to use the building blocks of communication so that you will connect with and inspire the people around you.

Join me and learn how to master communication.

Register Your Interest

What this course will mean for you

In today’s complex work environment, your ability to communicate effectively is critical to your success as a leader. This course will give you the tools to:

  • Engage your team more deeply, ensuring they are fully invested in the work you do together.
  • Inspire greater participation and contribution, leading to more innovative solutions and stronger results.
  • Build a culture of trust and collaboration, where every team member feels empowered to contribute their best.
  • Lead with clarity and purpose, driving your team toward shared goals with confidence.

What Others
Have Experienced


"What I have developed working with Adrian is the ability to inspire and develop others while managing complex relationships which has now become a core skill in my leadership"

Emma Selby
SiGNAL Bordon

"Adrian understands what motivates people and what makes them tick and can help identify and overcome obstacles to making your business work how you want it to"

Dominic Tantram

The emotional and practical impact of this work increased my self-confidence and the clarity of my communications, leading to a doubling of my turnover from the event alone, going from €25K to €150K in 4 years.

Antonio Bortolotti,
Founder of VRWS

"You have given us the most powerful management tool I have ever come across and the workshop has aligned all of the teams to focus on the same guest outcome"

Tony Byrne
Hotel GM


The Leadership Communications Course

Transform your leadership and the outcomes you achieve with and through your teams.

Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your communication skills and inspire your team to new heights. The Leadership Communications Course will give you the practical tools you need to lead more effectively, engage your team more deeply, and achieve exceptional results together.

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